In October 2021 we presented the all-new 0one Horror Maps Bundle featuring terrifying location maps, blueprints, and Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition adventures from 0one Games. Enhance your fantasy or horror campaigns with medieval villages, gothic castles, modern sanitariums, forest temples, zombie-infested islands, and dungeons, dungeons, dungeons. These beautifully drafted floorplans of settings like the Domain of Blood, the Eerie Forest, the Ruined Town, the Mad Scientist’s Lab, Harker Asylum, and the Sunken City make ideal backdrops for your own adventures and for the five included 5E scenarios.

These interactive .PDFs from let you show or hide grids (both square and hexagonal), show or hide room numbers, show walls as outlines or filled, show or hide doors and furniture, orient the compass rose, change print options, and make many other customizations. The maps’ interactive features require the free Adobe Reader and may not display correctly in other readers.

There were no less than thirteen titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $50), including the complete Heavenring Village Virtual Boxed Set, a peaceful base for explorations of this offer’s dangerous settings; four Eerie Forest maps — Eerie Forest, Red Vampire’s Way Inn, Ruins of Spiderhaunt Manor, and Zombie Island; seven Ruined Town maps — Ruined Town, Castle Falconflight, The Dungeon of Thirteen Undead, The Hill of the Haunting Spectre, The Lone Orc Sighting Tower, Old Observatory, and Temple, Farms, & Dungeon; and the Terror of Tumbledown Game Pack, with maps of a large ruined manor plus a full-length Pathfinder 1E scenario set there.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with eleven more titles worth an additional $62, including the complete Domain of Blood Virtual Boxed Set and Harker Asylum Virtual Boxed Set; five mid-level Eerie Forest roleplaying scenarios for D&D 5E that use the maps in this bundle — One Night at the Red Vampire, The Invisible Hand, A Dead Reckoning, Black Magic , and Threads of the Orb Weaver; and four more maps of vampiric and mad-science locations: City of the Dead, Mad Scientist’s Laboratory, The Sunken City, and Vampire Castle.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief gets protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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