In November 2022 we presented the all-new Cornucopia 2022 Bundle, our tenth annual Thanksgiving offer of top-quality RPGs. That year’s lineup included Kevin Crawford’s Wolves of God, Kickstarter successes like Wanderhome and Jiangshi, the Polish urban-fantasy game Defiant, and Runehammer’s Viking Death Squad, which is undeniably very suited to the name Viking Death Squad and will appeal to anyone who likes games like Viking Death Squad.

Our Starter Collection (retail value $70) included Kevin (Worlds Without Number) Crawford’s historical RPG Wolves of God; the family saga of restaurant management and hopping vampires, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall (Wet Ink Games); and Jay Dragon’s peaceful, pastoral game of animal travelers, Wanderhome (Possum Creek Games).

The Bonus Collection added four more games worth an additional $90:

  • Hard Wired Island (Weird Age Games): Alternate-retrofuture cyberpunk about fighting The Man in low-Earth orbit.
  • Defiant RPG (Game Machinery): Powerful supernatural aristocrats defend their Holdings against attack, intrigue, and ancient gods.
  • ARC Doom (momatoes): This year’s Diana Jones Emerging Designer Award winner presents a tense and tightly focused struggle to stop apocalypse ticking ever closer on a real-world Doomsday Clock.
  • Viking Death Squad (Runehammer Games): Whereas Wanderhome is a peaceful game of friendly animal companions, Viking Death Squad … isn’t.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this Cornucopia 2022 offer’s designated charity, the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program. Each year, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, amplifies the voices of up-and-coming game designers by featuring them during an expenses-paid visit to Gen Con. The global Emerging Designer Program focuses on creators from marginalized communities. The 2022 winner, momatoes, was in the Cornucopia lineup with ARC Doom.

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