In January 2023 we presented the new Non-OGL Fantasy Bundle with a wide selection of FRPGs not based on the Open Game License (OGL). Though they borrow no language from any of the D&D Systems Reference Documents released by Wizards of the Coast over the years, all the top-quality games in this offer empower your own adventures of heroes and quests, monsters and magic, intrigue and danger – and for an unbeatable bargain price.

We launched this offer when the OGL appeared about to change, as portended in Linda Codega’s Gizmodo article “Dungeons & Dragons’ New License Tightens Its Grip on Competition.” There was active, not to say frenetic, discussion on gaming subreddits like r/rpg, on, ENworld, and the Defend the OGL Discord server (Discord link). Many gamers in these discussions reported they were looking for alternatives to D&D – games never released under the OGL but still good at supporting D&D-style gameplay. The many games in this new Non-OGL Fantasy Bundle were meant for them.

There were five complete titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $41) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the Mythras Core Rules (The Design Mechanism), The Dark Eye rulebook (Ulisses Spiele), Advanced Fighting Fantasy (Arion Games), Heroes Against Darkness (Hero Forge Games), and Kent David Kelly’s The Oldskull Manifesto, which recasts the lexicon of fantasy RPGs in new and non-actionable terms.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with five more titles worth an additional $95.50, including Worlds Without Number Deluxe Edition by Kevin (Stars Without Number) Crawford, Green Ronin’s Sword Chronicle and Fantasy AGE Basic Rules, the recent Warlock! Traitor’s Edition (Fire Ruby Designs), and Against the Darkmaster (Open Ended Games).

Most of the titles in this offer have appeared in past Bundle offers. The titles new to the Bundle of Holding were Worlds Without Number, Oldskull Manifesto, Warlock Traitor’s Edition, and Sword Chronicle.

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