In February 2023 we presented the new Worlds of 2d20 Bundle featuring 2d20 System RPGs from Modiphius Entertainment, including Dune, Dishonored, Fallout, Star Trek Adventures, Achtung! Cthulhu, Infinity, and John Carter of Mars, all for an unbeatable bargain price.
This Worlds of 2d20 offer promoted the new Modiphius 2d20 World Builders Community Content Program through DriveThruRPG. 2d20 World Builders lets you design and sell your own complete 2d20-based games, supplements, characters, and more. Just read the 2d20 World Builders guidelines, design your content using the free 2d20 System Reference Document, format it using the official templates, and upload it to DriveThruRPG.
Introduced in Mutant Chronicles (2015), 2d20 is a narrative-focused dice-pool roll-under system. To attempt a task, you roll two 20-sided dice and compare each roll to a target number based on your character’s abilities. Each 2d20 System game line defines the abilities to suit its subject: Dune uses Drives and Skills; Star Trek, Attributes and Disciplines; Dishonored, Skills and Styles. In certain 2d20 games such as Dune you can make task rolls even when your character isn’t directly involved in a situation, but is instead acting remotely (as an “architect”) through proxies (“agents”).
Each die roll under the target number is one success; a 1 counts as two successes. If you roll more successes than you need, you can bank the extra successes in your Momentum pool and spend them later to gain bonuses. You can push your luck, rolling extra d20s, but this may increase a Doom pool that represents things going wrong. Even when success would be automatic, you can still make a “Difficulty 0 roll” to gain Momentum. This represents scouting a situation, gaining intelligence, and prepping for trouble later. Because your Momentum is capped at 5 points, you tend to spend points freely – and so does the Gamemaster, who uses dice from the Doom pool to make life interesting.
2d20 play is dynamic and involving. From turn to turn, depending on your chosen game, you’ll make lots of decisions to adjust difficulty thresholds, critical hit ranges, Momentum, Doom, and other factors. The system rewards engagement. See if it’s a good fit by checking some of the free Quickstart rules sets, such as Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20, Dune Wormsign, Fallout, John Carter of Mars, or Star Trek Adventures – all were included along with their rulebooks (or Starter Sets) in this new Worlds of 2d20 Bundle.
There were three complete rulebooks in our 2d20 Starter Collection (retail value $67) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including Dishonored, the Infinity RPG, and John Carter of Mars, as well as the free 2d20 System Reference Document you’ll want if you join the World Builders program.
Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire 2d20 Bonus Collection with eight more titles worth an additional $138, including the complete Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Standard Edition core rulebook, the Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Player’s Guide and 2d20 Gamemaster’s Guide, the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook, the Fallout Starter Set, the Dishonored Gamemaster Toolkit, the John Carter of Mars Phantoms Campaign Guide, and Infinity: Adventures in the Human Sphere.
Five of the 11 titles in this offer – the Star Trek Adventures, Infinity, and John Carter of Mars corebooks, the Phantoms Campaign Guide, and Adventures in the Human Sphere – had already appeared in past Bundle of Holding offers. The six titles new to the Bundle of Holding have a total retail value of $115.
Ten percent of each purchase (after gateway fees) of this Worlds of 2d20 offer went to the not-for-profit initiative co-founded by Modiphius Entertainment owner Chris Birch, RollVsEvil. RollVsEvil lets gaming communities do what they love (play games) while supporting frontline charitable efforts working directly toward verifiable immediate results.