In March 2023 we presented the Mystical Throne Gaming Guides Quick Deal featuring the Tabletop Gaming Guide series from Mystical Throne Entertainment. Each of these short (55-100pp), lively treatises covers one historical era’s context, notable locales, everyday life, historical figures (with roleplaying details like appearance and mannerisms), law enforcement and military organizations, and ways to use the material in your games. Each sourcebook concludes with short adventure ideas and a timeline. Players and gamemasters can use these books to lay the groundwork for historical or alternate-history adventures, and as guides for creating characters of the time.

The Tabletop Gaming Guides themselves include no rules material, but with each book Mystical Throne includes two to four short conversion guides for games such as Savage Worlds (either Explorer’s or Adventure Edition), Legend (based on Mongoose Publishing’s first edition of RuneQuest), and Mystical’s own Entropic Gaming System. And if you’re thinking “Hmm, these guides can help with a historical campaign using the GURPS 4E Combat Action supplements” – yes, we thought so too.

There were eleven complete Gaming Guides in our Mystical Collection (retail value $58) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including Tabletop Gaming Guide to the Celts, Feudal Japan, Five Points, Knights Templar, Mongol Empire, Pinkertons, Pirates and Privateers, Renaissance France, Roman Legions, Three Kingdoms China, and Vikings.

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