In March 2023 we presented the Lampblack Quick Deal featuring many short supplements published by Jason Lutes at Lampblack & Brimstone. Though designed for the Apocalypse Engine FRPG Dungeon World, these attractive and inventive supplements – the popular Perilous Wilds, Servants of the Cinder Queen, and many more – introduce fun techniques of worldbuilding, overland travel, and dungeon creation that help any fantasy campaign.

Published under an open license, Dungeon World inspired many indie designers to create their own DW supplements. One such was Jason, an instructor at the Center for Cartoon Studies (White River Junction, Vermont) and creator of the historical graphic novel Berlin. “In 2014 the one-two-three punch of Fiasco, Dungeon World, and DCC RPG cemented tabletop games as an essential part of my adult life,” Jason says. “I was so inspired by these games that I started publishing my own stuff as Lampblack & Brimstone, and I now employ RPGs regularly in the classroom to provoke discussion of story structure, character motivation, and the joys of improvisation.” At the time of this offer, Jason was shepherding Jeremy Strandberg’s ambitious Stonetop RPG to publication.

The Perilous Wilds (2015, revised 2022) presents tools that let players collaborate to generate and explore a campaign setting. Starting with a blank map (or possibly a random creation from Watabou’s Perilous Shores generator), each player in turn defines and names a region, then each adds areas of interest, connectors, and local rumors. Wilds and other Lampblack treatments like Perilous Deeps and Freebooters on the Frontier replace or improve many Dungeon World procedures for exploration, discovery, and improvised dungeons. Titles like Perilous Almanacs, A Book of Beasts, and A Folio of Followers add tons of colorful specifics. These titles originally appeared in our three Dungeon World offers in December 2014, January 2016, and April 2018.

The supplements and adventures in this Lampblack Quick Deal use the Dungeon World rules (not included in this offer). The free Dungeon World System Reference Document with all the rules is widely available; the Dieheart DW resources page lists many links to the SRD.

There were twelve titles in our Perilous Collection (retail value $53) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the 2022 Revised Edition of The Perilous Wilds, plus its Survival Kit; the expansion Perilous Deeps; the DW sourcebooks Perilous Almanacs, A Book of Beasts, A Folio of Followers, Freebooters on the Frontier, Mad Vandel’s Map Pack, and 20 Dungeon Starters; the adventure front Servants of the Cinder Queen; Funnel World, which adapts the Dungeon Crawl Classics “funnel” campaign kickoff procedure to Dungeon World; and we added Lampblack’s recent mini-RPG of animals doing human things, Adam Schwaninger’s Peace Was Never an Option.

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