In June 2023 we presented the Steamforged Epic Encounters Bundle featuring warband and boss battles from Steamforged Games. Create unforgettable adventures for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition and compatible rules systems with this offer’s 18 digital Epic Encounters. Made for both new and experienced players, each Encounter includes a full-color .PDF adventure booklet (20-35pp) and two full-color .PDF battlemaps. The encounters adjust easily to your campaign’s power level so you can drop them into your ongoing campaign at a moment’s notice.

There were eight complete titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $40) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including Caverns of the Frost Giant, Chambers of the Serpent Folk, Hall of the Orc King, Lair of the Red Dragon, Shrine of the Kobold Queen, Swamp of the Hydra, Temple of the Snake God, and Village of the Goblin Chief.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with ten more Encounter sets worth an additional $50, including Arena of the Undead Horde, Barrow of the Corpse Crawler, Cove of the Dragon Turtle, Hive of the Ghoul-Kin, Island of the Crab Archon, Labyrinth of the Goblin Tsar, Nest of the Dinosaur, Steppe of the Lizard Thane, Tower of the Lich Empress, and Web of the Spider Tyrant.

Many Epic Encounters include print-and-cut token sheets with adversary counters. The modules in this offer that include tokens are Barrow, Caverns, Cove, Lair, Nest, Shrine, Swamp, Temple, Tower, and Web.

Steamforged Games also provided each purchaser of this Epic Encounters Bundle a unique, one-use discount code good at the Steamforged Games online store.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this Epic Encounters offer’s designated charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.

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