In February 2025 we presented the Girl by Moonlight Quick Deal featuring the complete Girl by Moonlight rulebook from Evil Hat Productions about Magical Girls grappling with destiny. Inspired by anime and manga like Sailor Moon, Steven Universe, and many others, Girl by Moonlight adapts Blades in the Dark to represent the breadth of the maho shojo genre. Customize your game with a Series Playset: You’re Silverstar Knights racing to claim the lost Nebula Crown – or hunters in the Pristine City confronting their former friend, Amaranth, before she drowns the world in despair – or mecha pilots on space station Bastion, staging a desperate defense against leviathan ship ICARUS. Whether you’re a Guardian, Unlikely Hero, Outsider, Stranger, or Enigma, Girl by Moonlight takes you on a journey of self-discovery through building relationships and fighting for what you believe.
This Quick Deal included the complete non-watermarked, DRM-free Girl by Moonlight rulebook, along with all six issues of Zine by Moonlight, funded as a stretch goal in the May 2023 Backerkit campaign.