In March 2019 we were doin’ it old-sku– er, old-school with the Castle Oldskull Bundle featuring old-school fantasy RPG supplements from Wonderland Imprints. Castle Oldskull is a system-neutral line published by designer and novelist Kent David Kelly. Kelly’s comprehensive ebooks take a nuts-and-bolts, idea- and table-oriented approach that exemplifies the do-it-yourself ideals of the Old School Revival. As inspiration he cites TSR-era stalwarts such as Gygax and Arneson, Tekumel, Judges Guild, and Wormy illustrator David Trampier, as well as Dunsany and many other fantasy authors familiar from Appendix N.

In the past few years Kelly has published dozens of large supplements, often adapting material from his own long-running campaigns. In particular, his three-book, 1,200-page Classic Dungeon Design Guide has proven popular for its thorough and systematic process of megadungeon generation. This offer presented all three Dungeon Design Guides and nearly two dozen further supplements on many topics of sandbox campaign design — over 6,300 pages for a bargain price.

There were eleven titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $45) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with no less than fourteen more titles worth an additional $46:

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to the charity designated by Castle Oldskull designer Kent David Kelly in memory of his mother, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


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