In August 2022 we presented the Traveller5 Quick Deal featuring the 2014 Fifth Edition of Traveller. The first major SFRPG, Traveller launched in 1977 as the three now-iconic Little Black Books. In 2012 creator Marc Miller marshalled a large team of longtime Travellers to tackle a be-all, end-all version, an ultimate rules set that covered every era and all tech levels. Funded in a spectacular US$295K Kickstarter campaign, Traveller5 arrived two years later as a truly mammoth 888-page rules set.

T5 adds tons of new, player-requested features and revisions: technology beyond Tech Level 15, new character careers, clones, chimeras, robots, computers, artificial intelligence, and rationalized Psionics. Evaluate equipment system quality with QREBS (the Quality, Reliability, Ease, Bulk/Burden, and Safety system), and experience the new Flux dice system that increases variability in skill checks. Dive into a whole series of easy-to-use Makers: GunMaker, VehicleMaker, ArmorMaker, RobotMaker, SophontMaker, ThingMaker. You can map star systems and worlds, but don’t feel like you must; the new MOARN caveat – “Map Only As Really Necessary” – streamlines mapping. If someone asks you, “In Traveller5, can you –?” Yes. Just, yes.

There were three titles in our T5 Collection (retail value $69) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Traveller5 Core Rules 3-Book Set version 5.10 (with bookmarks, a comprehensive Table of Contents, and a Table of Charts for each volume); T5 Starships & Spacecraft (five sets of deck plans for Scout/Courier, Express Boat, Free Trader, Corvette, and Colonial Cruiser); and the T5 Gazelle-Class Close Escort guide, an expanded (53-page!) version of the iconic Classic Traveller ship with charts, diagrams, worksheets, and (of course) deck plans.

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