The Aysle sourcebook is part of the Torg Bundle +2In March 2015 we presented the Torg Bundle +2, a sequel to our January offer featuring Torg, the 1990s West End Games genre-spanning action-adventure tabletop RPG. This +2 Bundle repeated just two titles from the January offer — the rulebook itself and the magic book. The rest, including all the remaining cosm sourcebooks and important supplements, were new to the Bundle.

Our Starter Collection (retail value $56) included these DRM-free, non-watermarked .PDF ebooks:

  • Torg: Revised & Expanded rulebook with World Book, and Adventure Book with Drama Deck (retail price $15)
  • Aysle (retail $9): The magical cosm of high fantasy that has conquered the United Kingdom.
  • Orrorsh (retail $9): Horrific home of the mastermind behind the invasion of Earth, the terrible Gaunt Man.
  • Terra (retail $9): The cosm of pulp adventure, weird science, and the occasional Martian invasion.
  • The Living Land (retail $9): The realm of dinosaurs and spiritual magic that stretches across North America.
  • Pixaud’s Practical Grimoire (retail $5): The essential magical companion to the Aysle sourcebook.

The Land Below is a network of tunnels throughout the Earth of the Near NowCustomers who paid more than the threshold price (starting at $22.95) also got our complete Bonus Collection (retail value $86):



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