In March 2023 we presented the all-new Burning Sky Quick Deal featuring War of the Burning Sky, EN Publishing‘s monumental 12-part, 761-page adventure saga for D&D Fifth Edition about the aftermath of a great war. After would-be conquerers bring the world to the brink of annihilation, your heroes lead armies into battle, influence great events, and ultimately decide who will rule: perhaps an ally, or themselves, or mere anarchy. On an epic path from 3rd to 20th level, they can lead the world into a golden age, or let it be scorched under a rain of fire. Some of the things they’ll do:

  • Fight the living incarnation of an eternal forest fire.
  • Battle a cell of magical spies while a hurricane rages around them.
  • Carry out military operations ranging from infantry maneuvers and spying to cavalry charges and tactical strike missions.
  • Adventure through the memories of an enemy ruler to learn her secrets.
  • Defend against a battalion of soldiers mounted on war mammoths and their frost giant allies in an arctic waste in order to protect a vital teleportation circle.
  • Engage in street-to-street fighting in an occupied metropolis, led by a traitor toward a trap that will destroy the entire city.
  • Get their hands on an artifact and actually use it to turn the tide of the war.

Originally published for D&D 3.5 and then 4E, War of the Burning Sky presents full-length modules by veteran designers like Wolfgang Baur (Kobold Press), Wil Upchurch (Midnight), Darrin Drader (Book of Exalted Deeds), and many more. In 2006 project director Ryan Nock talked about the genesis of War of the Burning Sky:

“I had not seen a solid ‘war for the fate of the world’ adventure series during my time as a gamer. Most every gamer reads Lord of the Rings at some point, and it sets the benchmark for what many expect from fantasy, but the closest I had ever seen to an epic fantasy war was Dragonlance, now 20 years old. From the beginning, though, I decided War of the Burning Sky would eschew cosmic conflicts and classic good-evil dichotomies in favor of a more postmodern perspective, where enemies all have reasons for their actions. Sure, you can play the adventures such that the Ragesians are evil and can be killed without remorse because some of them consort with devils, but I tried to make sure we gave the heroes plenty of opportunities to turn the tide by allying with potential enemies, and more than a few opportunities to damn themselves by taking the easy way out of a difficult situation.

“The triumph of good over evil didn’t interest me, because to really matter, such battles must be won internally, not on the field of battle. Instead, I sought the triumph of peace over war. The Torch, and all the power it grants to those seeking conquest, is the real enemy – though, as with other enemies, you have to ally with this one if you want to win. Victory lies in healing and freedom, in restoring a fey forest, in releasing a king from his madness, in drawing a spy back from the brink of betrayal, in rescuing tormented prisoners trapped in a frozen wasteland or from a twisted living nightmare. You end the war by killing a villain, but you only win the war by healing the wounds it caused.”

Aside from these messages of healing and understanding, War of the Burning Sky presents compelling villains, dramatic battles, engaging mysteries, and dangers fit to challenge the greatest hero. This Burning Sky Quick Deal delivered them all. There were fourteen titles in our Burning Sky Collection (retail value $119) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the War of the Burning Sky 5E Player’s Guide and 5E Campaign Guide along with all 12 installments of the complete adventure path. The entries in this list link to DriveThruRPG product pages with full summaries of all the installments in the War of the Burning Sky saga:

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