In March 2024 we presented the Goodman d20 Monster Guides Bundle with 13 big d20 System monster sourcebooks from Goodman Games. Published in 2006-2009 for D&D 3.x, these inventive and detailed treatises describe, in 32 to 128 pages each, adversaries both major (beholders, liches, rakshasas) and minor (velociraptors, wererats). As visualized by designers like Keith Baker (Eberron), even nuisance creatures become dangers to reckon with – like, these sapient velociraptors are masters of political intrigue, and the wererat’s “Combat Strategies” writeup has a section titled “Germ Warfare.”

As d20 System supplements, these Complete d20 Guides work as-is with Pathfinder 1E, and gamemasters of Fifth Edition and compatible “ampersand fantasy” systems can easily adapt the extensive discussions of monster physiology, social structure, culture, tactics, and campaign use. It’s 770 pages of terrific monstrous classification, explication, and interpretation for an unbeatable bargain price.

There were six complete d20 System monster sourcebooks in our Minor Threats Collection (retail value $46) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including Doppelgangers, Dragonkin, T-Rex, Treants, Velociraptors, and Wererats.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Major Threats Collection with seven more d20 sourcebooks worth an additional $60, including Beholders, Drow, Fey, Liches, Rakshasas, Vampires, and Werewolves.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) for this Goodman d20 Monsters offer was donated to the charity designated by publisher Joseph Goodman, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. For more than 30 years the SF-Marin Food Bank has worked to end hunger in the San Francisco Bay Area, where one in four neighbors is at risk of hunger.

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