In November 2024 we presented the Torg Eternity Cosms 3 Bundle featuring English-language ebooks for the Tharkold and Pan-Pacifica settings in Torg Eternity, the cinematic cross-genre RPG of the Possibility Wars from Ulisses Spiele. These were the complete setting lines funded in the June 2020 Tharkold and May 2022 Pan-Pacifica crowdfunding campaigns. Tharkold is a Cold War techno-horror realm of demonic occultech, cybernetic warthralls, and the irradiated, mutant-infested Blasted Zone. The high-tech Kanawa Corporation of Pan-Pacifica has concealed its invasion through skillful deepfakery and social-media campaigns, aided by the jiangshi pandemic that has turned millions into hopping vampires.

Following the February 2022 Torg Eternity Cosms offer (with Aysle, the Living Land, and the Nile Empire), and the November 2023 Torg Cosms 2 (with the Cyberpapacy and Orrorsh), this Torg Eternity Cosms 3 Bundle completed the roster of seven invading cosms in Year One of the Possibility Wars. But the Wars continue with new forces, as heralded in the Pan-Pacifica campaign in this offer, Operation Soft Sell: A Kanawa Corporation executive summons invaders from Malagwa, a piratical cosm of the high seas, grand adventure, and epic discoveries.

If you’re new to the game, get the Torg Eternity Starter Pack, with the corebook, Drama Deck, and Day One scenarios, in the Bundle of Holding Store.

There were ten complete titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $120) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the Tharkold Sourcebook and its Booster Deck, the Pan-Pacifica Sourcebook and its Booster Deck, the full-length Tharkold campaign Blood on the Blasted Lands and its Soundtrack, the Pan-Pacifica campaign Operation Soft Sell and its Soundtrack, the Tharkold Wastelander’s Guide, and the Pan-Pacifica adventure-sourcebook Dr. Y and the Jiangshi & Kanawa Operations.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with twelve more titles worth an additional $115.50, including six Tharkold supplements – Delphi Missions: Tharkold, the GM Screen and Archetypes, the GM Pack, Map Pack 1 and Map Pack 2, and the Digital-Only Set – and the six equivalent supplements for Pan-Pacifica: Delphi Missions: Pan-Pacifica, the GM Screen and Archetypes, the GM Pack, Map Pack 1 and Map Pack 2, and its Digital-Only Set.


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