In February 2025 we revivified the September 2021 Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle featuring the post-apocalyptic science-fantasy RPG of technology and triumph in a devastated future, Mutant Crawl Classics from Goodman Games. Whether you’re a mutant, a seeker, a robot-killer, or a stoic shaman guarding forgotten ancient sciences, there are treasures to be won in the taboo lands and the ruins of the Ancients. Based on Goodman’s Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Mutant Crawl Classics is a standalone game in the tradition of Gamma World and Metamorphosis Alpha. You have a new chance to activate your artifact and go adventuring like it’s 1978.

Once again there were three titles in this revived offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $38) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Mutant Crawl Classics RPG core rulebook (plus the Judge’s Screen), along with the introductory adventure Hive of the Overmind.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got this revival’s entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $49, including the supplement The Data Orb of Metakind (published as adventure #8) and six full-length MCC adventures that take your mutants from level 0 to level 5: Seeking the Post-Humans (a level-0 “funnel” campaign starter), A Fallen Star For All, Incursion of the Ultradimension, The Evil of the Ancients, Blessings of the Vile Brotherhood, and The Apocalypse Ark.

1 comment
  1. Really hoping you bring this one back, I just discovered mutant crawl classics and I’d love to get a good deal on it and its adventures through the site!

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