In October 2017 we presentedtwo offers featuring the twin Cubicle 7 Entertainment lines of Lovecraftian supplements and scenarios for Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu. First, the World War Cthulhu Bundle presents Mythos horror against the backdrop of WWII and the Cold War. And we also revived the December 2016 Cthulhu Britannica Bundle, with British-based supplements that nicely complement World War Cthulhu.

1. World War Cthulhu [new]

In World War Cthulhu, brave agents of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service face Lovecraftian terrors — and humanity’s own darkest impulses — against a backdrop of 20th-Century conflict. In World War II, the Special Operations Executive fights a two-front war against both Axis and Mythos. In the 1960s and ’70s, as the Cold War threatens nuclear destruction, Section 46 continues a personal battle against the insidious influence of a much older enemy.

There were three titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $51), including the World War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour corebook (retail price $20) and the Europe Ablaze campaign guide (retail $18) [both previously offered in our October 2015 Bundle of Tentacles +3], together with The SOE Handbook (retail $13), a manual of tradecraft for the covert agents of the Special Operations Executive.

Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with three more supplements worth an additional $55, including World War Cthulhu: London (retail $20), about the capital city during the Blitz; Cold War (retail $20), which pushes the Mythos into the 1960s; and the Section 46 Operations Manual (retail $15), a Cold-War companion for the 1970s.

With these books you can stage a complete Mythos campaign across an entire continent and three decades. And the World War Cthulhu line also works great with —

2. Cthulhu Britannica [revived from December 2016]

Our resurrected December 2016 Cthulhu Britannica offer brought back Cubicle 7’s long-running Cthulhu Britannica series of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios set in the 1920s British Isles. This offer included the original Britannica scenario collection, the giant London supplement (a spectacular Kickstarter success in November 2013), and the entire London support line.

There were three .PDF titles in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $65): the original Cthulhu Britannica scenario ebook (retail price $15) and the massive 408-page Cthulhu Britannica London set (retail $50), including the Investigator’s Guide, Keeper’s Guide, and Adventures in Mythos London, plus maps and posters. After launch we added Shadows Over Scotland (retail $20), a massive sourcebook on Scotland in the 1920s. (And if you bought this offer earlier, even during its original December 2016 run, you got all new additions automatically.)

Those who paid more than this offer’s threshold price also got this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with five more titles worth an additional $72, including the seven-part campaign The Curse of Nineveh (retail $23) plus its two deluxe handouts — The Journal of Reginald Campbell Thompson and The Journal of Neve Selcibuc (retail $15 apiece) — and The Ballad of Bass Rock (retail $4), a short CoC scenario (cut from Shadows Over Scotland) that strands the investigators on a bleak isle with a lighthouse and a shoggoth. After launch we added added Avalon – The County of Somerset (retail $15), with lots of bulbous-eyed goings-on in England’s mysterious West Country.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to these two Cthulhu offers’ designated charity, Doctors Without Borders.


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