In May 2023 we presented the FASA Traveller Bundle featuring the early 1980s Classic Traveller supplements published by FASA Corporation.

In two dozen earlier offers the Bundle of Holding presented every Traveller edition from the original Little Black Books (1977-82) to Traveller5 (2014) and Mongoose Traveller 2E (2017, 2022), as well as third-party supplements from Gamelords and Steve Jackson Games. There’s still a galaxy to explore – well, a subsector anyway – of modules and magazines, all on display in the Far Future Enterprises CD-ROM line diligently compiled by Marc Miller.

Later known for BattleTech and Shadowrun, FASA started in 1980 as a Traveller licensee publishing starship deck plans by young founders Jordan Weisman and Ross Babcock. Weisman soon recruited the prolific designer J. Andrew Keith and his brother William. The Keiths wrote many FASA adventures still well regarded 40+ years later. In a 2021 blog post, “My Top 10 Classic Traveller Adventures,” Old School Revival blogger James Maliszewski gave top honors to the Keiths’ Sky Raiders trilogy.

Maliszewski wrote, “The central conceit of these adventures is the mystery of the eponymous Sky Raiders, an ancient civilization of interstellar marauders who ravaged multiple worlds in a remote sector to spinward of the Third Imperium in the ancient past.” (This was the tumultuous Far Frontiers sector, the main playground for FASA’s Traveller adventures.) “Throughout the three adventures, the characters uncover details about the history of the Sky Raiders, leading them on an Indiana Jones-esque chase across many planets, with rivals also intent on learning these secrets hot on their heels. It’s brilliant pulp sci-fi of the most engaging sort and, in my view, represents Traveller at its best.”

This all-new offer presented almost the entire FASA Traveller line for an unbeatable bargain price. Pay just US$9.95 to get all eight complete titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $66) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the King Richard Deck Plans and the accompanying adventure module Action Aboard: Adventures on the King Richard (illustrated by Kevin Siembieda); five more FASA Classic Traveller adventures – The Harrensa Project, Ordeal By Eshaar, Rescue On Galatea, The Stazhlekh Report, and Uragyad’n of the Seven Pillars; and extensive deck plans for a Starport Hotel Complex.

Those who paid more than the threshold (average) price also got our entire Bonus Collection with twelve more titles worth an additional $104, including the much-admired Sky Raiders module trilogy by J. Andrew Keith and William H. Keith – Legend, Trail, and Fate of the Sky Raiders; the FCI Consumer Guide equipment book; four sets of starship deck plans – Leander, Fenris and Valkyrie, Tethys, and Vlezhdatl; and four collections of ship plans in FASA’s Adventure Class Ships series: FASA Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1 , ACS-2, ACS-3 – Merchants, and ACS-4 – Aslan Mercenary Ships.

Ten percent of each payment (after gateway fees) went to this FASA Traveller offer’s designated charity, Direct Relief. Direct Relief sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers, with emergency deliveries to medical facilities across the US and to regional response agencies across the world.


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